Fenugreek Seeds (Methi) Health Benefits
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Fenugreek Seeds (Methi)
Fenugreek is a kind of annual plants in the family Fabaceae. This plant grows with leaves that consists of three small oval shaped leaves. They usually have oblong leaflets. Fenugreek is cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop. Its seeds are a common components of Indian subcontinental dishes. fenugreek seeds bengali meaning is Methi. Fenugreek Tamil meaning is Ventayam.
Fenugreek Seeds (methi) is not merely a spice. It has great health benefits too. It is an ancient herb. It has been historically used from the 4000 BC. The history tells us that The first idea of cultivating fenugreek was for eating it as a diet or vegetable. But the curious mind of human discovered many beneficial elements on fenugreek seeds.
Properties of Fenugreek Seeds (Methi)
According to the chart of United States Department of Agriculture, a certain amount of Fenugreek seeds contains a fixed amount of nutrients . These proximate, vitamin, mineral and other essential elements allowed fenugreek Seeds an outstanding herbal remedy. We can say fengreek substitutes of energy syrup. They collected the statistics reports of several journals like 2001 Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 14 pp.163-167. The following chart has been obtained from the national nutrients database of USDA.
We have displayed the report of the nutrients value of Fenugreek Seeds for per 100 gram in the following table:
Nutrients | Unit | Value per 100g | ||
Proximates | ||||
Water | gram | 8.84 | ||
Energy | K .call | 323 | ||
Protein | gram | 23 | ||
Total lipid (fat) | gram | 6.41 | ||
Carbohydrate, by difference | gram | 58.35 | ||
Fiber, total dietary | gram | 24.6 | ||
Vitamins | ||||
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid | mg | 3.0 | ||
Thiamin | mg | 0.322 | ||
Riboflavin | mg | 0.366 | ||
Niacin | mg | 1.640 | ||
Vitamin B-6 | mg | 0.600 | ||
Folate, DFE | µg | 57 | ||
Vitamin B-12 | 0 | 0 | ||
Vitamin A, RAE | µg | 3 | ||
Vitamin A, IU | IU | 60 | ||
Minerals | ||||
Calcium, Ca | mg | 176 | ||
Iron, Fe | mg | 33.53 | ||
Magnesium, Mg | mg | 191 | ||
Phosphorus, P | mg | 296 | ||
Potassium, K | mg | 770 | ||
Sodium, Na | mg | 67 | ||
Zinc, Zn | mg | 2.50 | ||
Lipids | ||||
Fatty acids, total saturated | gram | 1.460 | ||
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated | gram | 0.00 | ||
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated | gram | 0.00 | ||
Fatty acids, total trans | – | 0 | ||
Cholesterol | – | 0 |
Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds
Many research on fenugreek seeds have been performed to point out its health benefits. It is also a favourite herbal product to the village alternative medicine specialists of Asian countries. The Muslims and Hindus both has the religious proclamation of this herb. Bellow we have discussed about health benefits of Fenugreek as well as its clinical and practical references.
1 Fenugreek Seeds Reduces the Bad cholesterol
One of the studies [1] on the dietary fenugreek seeds and garlic proves Fenugreek seeds is an excellent co-performer of reducing LDL cholesterol. In that study it reveals that Iron-induced chemical reaction of LDL in vivo was significantly reduced by dietary fenugreek and garlic. They are renouned to be great source of steroidal saponins which prevent the rise of cholesterol and triglycerides.
The people who are suffering from higher density of LDL cholesterol can try this herb for their health improvement.
2. A great heart Tonic
Fenugreek plays a vital role by maintaining our cardiovascular system. These seeds are containing a great number of antioxidant. Moreover, according to Wikipedia fenugreek contains an essential element named galactomannan. This element also an helpful component of keeping our heart healthy.
In a study of some swimming training group proves that fenugreek extract is very useful to induce body weight. The study evidently declares that fenugreek seeds has significantly cardiac antioxidant enzymes activity.[2]
3. A Useful Herb for Piles (Hemorrhoids):
The embarrassing problem like hemorrhoids can be coped and defeated by Methi (fenugreek seeds). It is a well herb for treating piles. The person who suffers in hemorrhoids he feels shame and fear to do surgery. So they usually do not express their problem and day by day assume a dangerous shape.
We suggest dose person to take fenugreek regularly. If someone can collect the fenugreek seeds oil it would be more helpful to him. To say bye bye files collect the essential oil and assume it daily.
4. The Herb for Diabetes
It is to be worth mentioning that fenugreek is the natural remedy for diabetes. The presence of Galactomannan and many other components like amino acid works as insulin inducer. Though it works in a slow state, it provides a steady and great result.
A three years study on a number of people who are in the age of thirty to seventy years proves the miraculous result. This study was in the aim to discover if fenugreek seeds work is a herbal remedy of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Prediabetes.[3] Daily (2×5)mg=10mg of fenugreek seeds powder before meal was given to the patients. After 3 months of the observation, the monitoring report shows us that the patient are being controlled from the development of diabetes. It lessen 4.2 times of the chance of diabetes to the prediabetes persons.
What can we say about Methi? And about its benefits for diabetes patient? I can talk with the same tone of the author Susan G. Wynn and Barbara Fougère. They harmonize in the book named Veterinary Herbal Medicine. It is such an herb by which we can reduce glucose level of urine, Blood. By the help of this we also can improve the glucose tolerance and suppress glucogen and somatostatin of blood. (According to Ribes 1986) [4] What a patient of diabetes wants all of them he can get from fenugreek seeds. So fenugreek substitutes as insuline or other medication of diabetes.
5. Fenugreek Seeds or Methi for Aiding Digestion
Fenugreek has a great number of fiber and antioxidants. It flushes out harmful toxins from the body. It strongly helps the digestive tract to digest foods. The famous Ayurveda specialists and herbal specialists suggest fenugreek Tea for indigestion and stomach pain.
To treat irritable bowel syndrome or constipation methi works dramatically. In this case a person can try methi as the decoction. Take it in early in the morning every day. That will definitely solve your intestine problem.
6. A Helpful Remedy for Acid Reflux or Heartburn
One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in your food is a good remedy for acid reflux or such symptoms like heartburn. Mucilage of fenugreek seeds coat the liner of the abdomen. After performing it, fenugreek heal irritated gastrointestinal tissue. We can soak the fenugreek seeds in water. As a result its outer coat will be mucilaginous.
7. Fenugreek Seeds for Weight Loss
All dude and lady, are you in the trouble with your body weight? Do you want a remedy that has no side effect but only has multi benefits? quick and double quick with including fenugreek seeds on your weight loss diet. By chewing it in a soaked form in the mourning before meal (Empty Stomach) you will be able to slim again.
The natural fibre and the swelling power of it will suppress the appetite for junk food and aid us for weight loss.
8. Remedy for fever and sore throat
Most of the time fever and sore throat occurs due to cold and viral infection. Methi has the anti viral elements. It also has some warm effect which can help for the person who has been caught cold.
Moreover, the herbal specialists suggest lemon juice and honey or Tulsi and honey are the great herb for fever and shore throat. Fenugreek additionally helps to alleviate cough and pain from pharyngitis.
9. A herb for Increasing breast milk production in lactation period
For the nursing mothers, fenugreek seeds are the great friend. The presence of diosgenin in it increases milk production. According to the researchers of US National Institute of health, In finding out the reason behind termination of breast feeding earlier in the first 6-7 months they blame the insufficiency of milk production.
After research the reach in the decision that herbal tea of fenugreek seeds is the best remedy for increasing mother’s milk. How can we make this herbal tea? And What is the doses?
It is a very easy task. Make a cup of 7.5 g of fenugreek seeds powder and 3 grams of black tea. Take three times a day. In three weeks you will get the exact result.[5]
10. Helps to Prevent Colon and Oral and some other Cancer
By the help of saponins, mucilage and other fibre of Fenugreek, it protect us by binding toxins of the food. It protects mucus membrane of the colon from developing deadly cancers. The Invitro Anti-mycotic Activity of Hydro Alcoholic Extracts of Fenugreek seeds and some other herbal plants or products are the preventive of Fluconazole Resistant Candida albicans. [6]
11. Induces and eases child birth
Delay in delivery child can be solved by Methi. It reduces labour pain too. So to inducing childbirth we can use fenugreek seeds. It stimulates uterine contractions and induces and eases child.
12. Helps reduce menstrual discomfort
Fenugreek has thecompounds like diosgenin. It also has isoflavones with oestrogen type of components. These herbal properties eradicate or lessens the symptoms like ministrual cramps and discomfort related with PMS (Premenstrual syndrome). Moreover Fenugreek’s green leafy vegetables also a great source of iron.
13. Fenugreek Seeds For Skin:
Fenugreek is familiar as the Asian beauty secret. It is a great herb for acquiring beautiful skin. Fenugreek has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Researches have bring out that methi provides with an effective topical malady for a variety of skin-related troubles.
a. Cure Skin Inflammation:
Fenugreek Seeds are the herbal medicine for skin inflammation. It can treat boils, abscesses, eczema, muscle pain, gout and burns among many other problems. It has the relieving power of local inflammatory pain. It also has the swelling power as a poultice.
Process of application:
Take a tablespoon of methi seeds powder. Mix it in warm water and soak a clean cloth on it. Now apply this on the affected positions.
2. Cure Acne, Blackheads And Wrinkles:
Together with honey and fenugreek seeds paste suggested to apply as a face mask. If it occurs on your body skin or to treat skin acne mask it in the affected area. This proves to be a useful herbs for cystic acne. It also very effective to clear wrinkle, dark circles and it is anti aging. It is a glowing material too.
14. Helps slightly increase breast size
The property like oestrogen of fenugreek works in breast enlargement. It balances hormone in women. The woman who are intense with small breast and has a dream of healthy breast can apply fenugreek seeds oil one their breast. They are also recommended to take fenugreek herbal tea that is mentioned in the 9 number point of this article.
15. Can help resolve hair problems
Fenugreek seeds paste gives us shiny and black hair. You can soak methi on your ordinary coconut oil and use this oil to get the herbal benefit. Fenugreek also gives nutrients to the root of the hair. Makes your hair healthy and stronger. It also keep the dandruff away.
Side Effects of Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds have not much side effects. But we all know, “excess of anything is not good.” But we can say that benefits of Fenugreek seeds are more than its demerits. Some of the demerits are given bellow:
i) On the time of pregnancy a woman should not take much methi on her diet. As methi helps to deliver child it can be harmful for that woman who are in the risk of premature child birth. So to avoid the risk of miscarriage of early child birth a pregnant woman should avoid the spice.
ii) A diabetes patient are the main benefit gainer from fenugreek seeds. But methi can be harmful as it reduces blood sugar level. When some one feel empty on his head and abnormal for his dropping of sugar level he should a Methi.
iii) Methi is a hair tonic. But if you apply this there will be a heavy perfume. This scent has proved to be irritating scent for many. So to avoid yourself as the subject of irritation you can avoid methi.
Methi has not much side effect on its tolerate level. India, Pakistan, Indonesia, China, Srilanka, middle east and in Europe fenugreek conquered the place of both a herb and spice. In the realm of alternative medicine Fenugreek Seeds has the essence and importance.
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26280170 2.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25938017
3. Role of Fenugreek in the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in prediabetes.
Gaddam A1, Galla C1, Thummisetti S1, Marikanty RK1, Palanisamy UD2, Rao PV1. 4. Veterinary Herbal Medicine
By Susan G. Wynn, Barbara Fougère p- 550 5. The Effect of Herbal Tea Containing Fenugreek Seed on the Signs of Breast Milk Sufficiency in Iranian Girl Infants.
Ghasemi V1, Kheirkhah M2, Vahedi M3.
6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26436036
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